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getAbstract Publisher Partners
- A. Francke Verlag, Tübingen
- AVANCE Verlag, Uffing
- Academia Verlag, St. Augustin
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- Albatros, Mannheim
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- Alexander Fest Verlag, Reinbek
- Ankerherz Verlag GmbH, Hollenstedt
- Argon Verlag GmbH, Berlin
- Argument Verlag, Hamburg
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- Aufbau Taschenbuch, Berlin
- Bank-Verlag Medien GmbH, Köln
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- Beltz Verlagsgruppe, Weinheim
- Berlin Verlag, Berlin
- Bertelsmann Stiftung, Gütersloh
- Bildung und Wissen Verlag, Nürnberg
- Bloomberg Press, Weinheim
- Blumenbar, Berlin
- Books4Success, Kulmbach
- Brunnen Verlag GmbH, Giessen
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- BusinessVillage GmbH, Göttingen
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- Börsenmedien, Kulmbach
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- Carl Hanser Verlag, München
- Carl Link Kommunalverlag, Köln
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- Cornelsen Scriptor, Mannheim
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- Europa Verlag, Hamburg
- Europa Verlag Berlin, München
- Financial Times Prentice Hall (Deutschland), München
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- Goldmann Verlag, München
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- Katholisches Bibelwerk, Stuttgart
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- Lucius & Lucius Verlagsgesellschaft, Stuttgart
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- Matthes & Seitz Berlin, Berlin
- Mauritz & Grewe Verlag, Göttingen
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- Nomos, Baden-Baden
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- Pearson Education Deutschland, München
- Pendo Verlag, München
- Penguin Verlag, München
- Phaidon Verlag GmbH, Berlin
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- SCHWARZERFREITAG Publishing, Berlin
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- Springer, Heidelberg
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- Springer Vieweg, Wiesbaden
- Steidl Verlag, Göttingen
- Stiebner Verlag, München
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- Symposion Publishing, Düsseldorf
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- TOC Institute, Heppenheim
- Theseus Verlag, Bielefeld
- UVK, München
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- Ullstein Verlag, Berlin
- Ulysses Verlag, Hamburg
- Unimedica, Kandern
- Universitas Verlag, München
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- VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, Wiesbaden
- Vahlen Verlag, München
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- Vier-Türme-Verlag, Münsterschwarzach
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- Vieweg Verlag, Wiesbaden
- Volk Verlag, München
- W. Bertelsmann Verlag, Bielefeld
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- Wiley-VCH, Weinheim
- Wilhelm Heyne Verlag, München
- Wirtschaftsverlag Bachem, Köln
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- Xing SE, Hamburg
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- Zukunftsinstitut, Kelkheim
- adeo Verlag, Asslar
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- ambition verlag, Berlin
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- edition moll, Stuttgart
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- expert verlag, Renningen
- managerSeminare Verlag, Bonn
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- oekom verlag, München
- riva, München
- tredition, Hamburg
- wrs-Verlag, München
- zuKLAMPEN!, Lüneburg
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- Deuticke, Wien
- Ecowin Verlag, Salzburg
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- Linde Verlag, Wien
- MANZ Verlag, Wien
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- Neuer Wissenschaftlicher Verlag, Wien
- Paul Zsolnay Verlag, Wien
- Verlag Carl Ueberreuter, Wien
- edition mono / monochrom, Vienna
- edition selene, Wien
- literatur-vsm, Wolkersdorf
Russian Federation
Russian Federation
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- Вершина
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- Beobachter Buchverlag, Zürich
- Bergli Books, Basel
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- Buchverlag Neue Zürcher Zeitung (NZZ Libro), Zürich
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- KMU Verlag HSG, St. Gallen
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- Lenos Verlag, Basel
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- Midas Computer Verlag, Zürich
- Midas Management Verlag, Zürich
- Nagel & Kimche, Zürich
- Oesch Verlag AG, Zürich
- PRAXIUM-Verlag, Zürich
- Paulusverlag, Fribourg
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- Rotpunkt Verlag, Zürich
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- Schulthess Verlag, Zürich
- SmartBooks Publishing AG, Kilchberg / ZH
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- Verlag THEXIS, St. Gallen
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- Xanthippe Verlag, Zürich
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- orell füssli Verlag AG, Zürich
- vdf Hochschulverlag AG an der ETH Zürich, Zürich
United Kingdom
United Kingdom
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- Atlantic Books, London
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- Nature, London
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- Old Street Publishing, London
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- Penguin, London
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- Amat Editorial, Barcelona
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- Deusto, Barcelona
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- Indicios Editores, Barcelona
- J.M. Bosch Editor, Vallirana, Barcelona
- LID Editorial, Madrid
- La Esfera de los Libros, Madrid
- Libros Cúpula, Barcelona
- NARCEA Ediciones, Madrid
- Paidos Iberica Ediciones, Barcelona
- Para Dummies, Barcelona
- Planeta, Barcelona
- Plataforma Editorial, Barcelona
- Profit Editorial, Barcelona
- Publicado de manera independiente, Barcelona
- Rba Libros, Barcelona
- Reverté Management, Barcelona
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United States
United States
- ABC-CLIO, Santa Barbara
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- ATD Publications, Alexandria
- Adams Business & Professional, Edina, MN
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- Atlas Books LLC/ W.W. Norton & Company, Inc., New York
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- Authority Press, Alpharetta, GA
- Avalon Publishing Group, New York
- Avery, New York
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- Back Bay Books
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- Brandeis University Press , Lebanon
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- Career Press, Pompton Plains, NJ
- Celebra, New York
- Celestial Arts, New York
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- Crown Publishing Group, New York
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- Doubleday Broadway Publishing Group, New York
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- Evolve Publishing, New York
- FT Press, Upper Saddle River, NJ
- FabJob Inc.
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- Fastcap Press, Ferndale
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- Free Press, New York
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- Gabriel Center for Servant-Leadership, Marietta GA
- Gallery Books, New York
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- Gazelles Inc., Ashburn, VA
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- ILR Press, Ithaca, NY
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- Inc.
- Information Age Publishing, Charlotte, NC
- Institute for Economics and Peace, New York
- Intercultural Press, Boston
- Irwin Business Publishing, New York
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- Jeremy P. Tarcher, New York
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- MIT Press, Cambridge, MA
- Management Concepts, Vienna, VA
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- PS Principles
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- Penguin, New York
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- Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ
- Productivity Press, New York
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- Public Affairs, Cambridge
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- Sourcebooks, Inc., Naperville, IL
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- Springboard Press, New York
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- Stanford University Press, Palo Alto, CA
- Sterling Publishing, New York
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- Sybex, Hoboken, NJ
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- TarcherPerigee, New York
- Taylor Trade Publishing, Lanham, MD
- Ten Speed Press, New York
- The Art Of Productivity
- The New Press, New York
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- Thomson Texere, Mason, OH
- Three Rivers Press, New York
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- Times Books, New York
- Times Business, New York
- Touchstone, New York
- Transaction Publishers, Piscataway, NJ
- Turtle Lake Publications, Shoreview, Minnesota
- Twelve, New York
- Union Square Publishing, New York
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